What to Expect At Your First Kitten Wellness Appointment

At Martindale Animal Clinic our kitten wellness program is designed to offer your new kitten all the benefits of veterinary services available to him or her. At each kitten vaccine appointment, the veterinarian will perform a complete physical exam, administer the necessary vaccines, and address any questions or concerns you may have regarding your kitty.

During your visits we will examine your kitten and discuss many topics including diet, vaccinations, flea prevention, feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus blood testing, and the right time to spay/neuter your kitten.

At the appropriate ages your kitten will be receive the following vaccines:

Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR) is a common herpes virus that causes sneezing, decreased appetite, nasal congestion, red runny eyes, and fever. These can be recurring or chronic in some cats.

Calicivirus also causes upper respiratory infections and can be especially debilitating in young cats. It can cause ulcers in the mouth leading to decreased ability to eat.

Panleukopenia is a virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea, it also suppresses the bone marrow and affected cats often don’t survive.

Feline Leukemia is a slow acting retrovirus. It is transmitted through fighting, grooming, contact with body fluids, or from mother to kitten. Over time it can cause immune suppression and certain fatal cancers, including Leukemia and Lymphoma. Effects from this virus are often not seen for months to years after exposure.

Rabies is a fatal infection of the central nervous system. The virus is transmitted through the bite of an infected animal. Rabies vaccination is required by law due to human health risk. Even indoor cats are at risk of Rabies exposure, in the case they ever get outside or wildlife, especially bats, enter your home.

Fecal Parasite Screen

When you call to book an appointment for your kitten you will be asked to bring in a fecal sample to test for intestinal parasites. Fecal parasite screens should be done at least once a year for your cat and several times per year for kittens. We look at your cats stool sample under the microscope searching for parasite eggs including Roundworms, Hookworms, and Tapeworms. We are also examining for protozoan parasites (single celled organisms) such as Coccidia and Giardia. Dogs and cats will get these parasites from the ground (dirt/grass/sidewalks) where they walk, fleas, hunting, drinking from outdoor water sources, or contact with the stool of other animals. Kittens can get Roundworms and Hookworms from their mom when they are nursing. Indoor cats can get parasites too; we can track eggs in on our shoes, dirt in potted plants can be infested, they can hunt rodents indoors, and can even get fleas that hitchhike in from outside! Did you know many pets with intestinal parasites do not show any outward symptoms?  Parasites affect their health in less-obvious ways including poor growth, poor haircoat, weakened immune system, and some can infect people. If the stool sample tests positive appropriate deworming medication will be prescribed.


Tick, Flea and Intestinal Parasite Prevention

Outdoor cats, semi-outdoor cats, or cats who hunt should be given monthly flea and intestinal parasite prevention and, every few months they should receive a product to deworm for tapeworms. Did you know that indoor cats can get fleas too? We can bring fleas into our homes from outside. So, it is important to be protecting our indoor cats as well. Fleas will survive indoors and on other animals during the winter, and ticks are active if it is >4 oC outside.  Intestinal parasite eggs can be present in the soil year-round.

Don’t delay your kitten’s first visit to the vet.  Addressing potential health problems for your kitten now will make their transition into your family less stressful and healthier for all of you! Call us today (905) 682- 5551 or click here to book an appointment for your kitten.


Please see a digital copy of our Kitten Care booklet. We will have a copy waiting for you at your first appointment! Click here to download a copy of our Kitten Care booklet.